My name is Dr. MyRon Edmonds, and for the past 20 years as a pastor, motivational speaker, author, and leadership consultant, I have taught, counseled, and coached thousands of men of all shapes and sizes.
The vast majority of the men I've encountered have fallen into one of two categories:
​Men struggling to find success in finances, careers, status, and material possessions, and feeling empty, unfulfilled, and dissatisfied with life as a result.
​Men highly successful in terms of finances, careers, status, and material possessions, yet still feeling empty, unfulfilled, and dissatisfied with life.
In other words, regardless of how success is portrayed in the world, the cold truth for men is that WE HAVE ISSUES regardless of how much traditional, material success we attain.

I know all about prioritizing material success over everything, thinking that it would make me happy and fulfilled.
Publicly, I was not only the "star" pastor at a flourishing church; I was also a highly sought-after speaker travelling the world developing leaders, revitalizing dying churches, building stronger communities, fighting against injustice, and receiving heaps of accolades as a result.
But privately, the story was completely different - I was a TOTAL FRAUD.
- I was miserably addicted to pornography.
- My marriage was in hopeless disarray.
- My children were distant from me because I was consistently "present" but not present.
- ​I was advising others to get therapy but I wasn’t following my own advice - MY mental health was a nightmare.
I was "successful," but I felt like a complete FAILURE.

As men, we feel the constant pressure from a society that tells us we HAVE to be strong, bury our thoughts and feelings, and face our struggles alone.
When men are hurting, failing, and in need of support, we don’t feel like we have anyone to get deep with, to lean upon, or to pour into us without judging, beating us up, and/or telling us to just "suck it up and be a man.”
When I was at my lowest, I was inspired with the realization that I needed a SAFE SPACE, a COMMUNITY to surround me and lift me up, but none was readily available.
So I had to search long and hard, get intentional, and invest a lot of effort and money into finding accountability groups that would help pull me up out of the hell I had sunk into.
And, let me tell you...IT WAS WORTH IT!
- I began experiencing material success like NEVER before.
- I started winning in the things that matter, including restoring my marriage, becoming free from pornography, reconnecting with my children, and finally feel fulfilled in a way that no other type of success could make me feel.
- ​I changed the way I coach the men in the masterminds, therapy sessions, and accountability groups I lead, and they began experiencing same VIRTUALLY OVERNIGHT!
I discovered that the SECRET SAUCE men need to start truly winning is getting into safe spaces with other men who want to grow and heal, get support and encouragement, hold each other accountable, and sharpen each other like iron.
I also realized that, in this post-pandemic new-normal, the already-scant opportunities for safe spaces all but disappeared, but with added stress and isolation, men need this now more than ever.
That’s why in 2020, we officially started a movement that would allow men to find the support they need and win in the things that matter, even amid a socially distant world!

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Dr. MyRon Edmonds is a dynamic speaker, pastor, author, counselor, community activist, Air Force chaplain, and leadership consultant. As the leader pastor of Grace Community SDA Church, his visionary and innovative leadership has transformed the once-traditional church into a community powerhouse fighting for justice, lifting the oppressed and setting captives free spiritually, physically, and financially.
Dr MyRon is regarded as one of the most fearless, transparent leaders of his generation. He is a highly sought-after speaker who travels the world helping to revitalize dying churches, develop leaders, and strengthen families. One of his many passions is converting marginalized black males into spiritual leaders in the home and in the community.
In 2020, Dr. Edmonds founded the MyRon Edmonds Leadership Group, an organization dedicated to empowering faith-driven leaders to be effective at home, in the church and in the workplace. Through workshops, conferences, coaching sessions, and accountability groups, the MyRon Edmonds Leadership Group has drastically impacted the lives of hundreds of individuals, particularly men, to whom he has given the tools, resources, and invaluable perspective to overcome a myriad of insurmountable challenges and win in the things that matter.
MyRon is a devoted husband to his high school sweetheart Dr. Shaneé Edmonds and proud father to his teenage children Teylor and Camden.
To find out more about Dr MyRon visit his website - www.myronedmonds.com