Join This Exclusive Community Of Men Committed To Becoming Better Fathers, Restoring Marriages, Breaking Addictions, And Reviving Spiritual, Physical, & Mental Health!

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I'm in! Join the Winning Circle Now!




My brother, let me tell you something.

Just a few years ago, I was busy being Superman on the job and Clark Kent at home. 

On the exterior, I was an internationally sought-after speaker, successful pastor, and renowned leadership consultant, but to those who knew me best, I was failing catastrophically

  • I was miserably addicted to pornography.
  • My marriage was in hopeless disarray.
  • My children were distant from me because I was consistently "present" but not present.
  • I was advising others to get therapy, but my own mental health was a nightmare, and I wasn't following my own advice.

As a pastor, I did what I knew - prayed like never before, studied the Word, and asked God to deliver me.

And those are all good things.


But in time, I learned that I couldn't win on my own, and that God was calling me to connect and be accountable with others.

That was the elusive secret to winning that I kept missing because, as we men often do, I was trying to do it all by myself!

It was only when I got in a consistent accountability group (I had to pay money for it, and it was with people I didn't know nor looked like me) that I finally was able to overcome pornography, revitalize my marriage, realize my need to be more present with my children, and gain a clear conscience that took my spiritual life to another level.

As badly as you want to win, you CANNOT WIN ON YOUR OWN!

God created us to bear each other's burdens, and thus true success as a man starts and ends with COMMUNITY...


I'm in! Join the Winning Circle Now!

In This Men's-Only Community, You Will:

  • Define what true success is and learn steps to achieving it

  • Have access to specialists to help you grow emotionally, financially, and spiritually

  • Connect and get transparent with other men to achieve collective healing

  • Receive ongoing coaching and support

  • Have goals, weekly challenges, and proactive accountability to spur you on to victory


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Your Path To Winning Begins Here!


Monthly Meetups ($147 Value)

If You Wanna Fly, Hang Out With Eagles!

There's something therapeutic about like-minded, purpose-driven men hanging out together, and in this socially distant new normal, the need to connect has never been greater nor more vital for our mental health. 

If you've enjoyed Men's Night with MyRon, these monthly meetups are like Men's Night on steroids! Every month, we'll have a closed Zoom session that will be an interactive safe space for us men to hang out together and: 


"Having the support of an exclusive group of men to help deal with manly issues, concerns, triumphs and trials is priceless!! The group is helping change the paradigm."



“All of us have blind spots and unfinished business in our lives, especially black men. We may be hiding, ignoring, or under-performing. If you want to live your best life and have fruitful relationships, the masks have to come off. The Winning Circle is a no-judgment community to help you discover your authentic self. Do it for you and those you care about.”


"It was great learning that other men out there have the same problems and victories as me and the fact we can talk freely is also great too. This helped me in my family life and getting a better relationship with my sons. We have a young man in our group and I just told him I am jealous of him because if I could have learned these ideas and problem solving I would have been a better man for it."


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I'm In! Join the Winning Circle Now!

Weekly Coaching Calls

($897 Value)

Accountability Is The Glue That Bridges Commitment And Results

Every Monday morning, we'll have a video call that will energize you and prepare you to win in the upcoming week. In these calls, you'll have the opportunity to:

  •    Get nuggets of wisdom from our team of coaches that are experts in their field 
  •    Receive challenges for specific areas of winning that you'll carry out that week
  •    Interact with and encourage the other brothers on the online chat
  •    Hold each other accountable from week to week


"We were not meant to do life alone. The Winning Circle gives access to a community of brothers who are encouraging and striving to win and be successful in the things that truly matter in life. It’s a band of brothers to go to war with in this journey of life."


"As a man, you will get a lot of answers to questions you have had and even answers to questions you didn't know you should be asking, but need them too. The Monday morning coaching calls have really started my week off in the right way. You develop good and healthy bonds organically, which is definitely needed in the world we live in."


“The support and encouragement, especially the powerful group meetings and Monday morning sessions, has been wonderful. It is a blessing to know there are other men who share their struggles and victories in a safe place. To see the strength of the brothers and also the broken human side of the brothers in a real sometimes very raw but safe space without condemnation."


Goal-Setting Tools & Resources ($247 Value)

If You Don't Know Where You're Going, Any Road Will Take You There!
Everything in The Winning Circle is designed and executed with purpose and direction. You'll receive checklists, scorecards, assessments, and other resources within the growth curriculum we have created for you with the objective of giving you SMART goals and benchmarks in various aspects of your life that are:

  •    Specific, tangible, and practical
  •    Measurable so that you can gauge your progress
  •    Ambitious yet Attainable, challenging you to push yourself to reasonable limits
  •    Relevant, where you focus on the most impactful areas of potential growth
  •    Time-bound for accountability in completing tasks before a set date


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I'm in! Join the Winning Circle Now!

Membership in Small Group Online Community 

($647 Value)

Alone, We Can Do So Little; Together, We Can Do So Much!

In the private online community, we'll build upon the progress we make during the mastermind coaching sessions, weekly coaching calls, and monthly meetups: 

  • Receive tips from me and  our team of coaches related to specific topics addressed in our group
  • Get transparent in a space that may be less intimidating than a "live" space 
  • Build long-lasting relationships that foster transformative growth 


“My wife told me she sees a change in me as a result of the Winning Circle.  It is motivating her to be a better version of herself as well. She said she feels more secure and trusting of me, now that I am enroute to more clarity for myself and our family.  Men desperately need community in this day and age. We need God, but we also need each other. It is TOUGH being a man. It carries a heavy responsibility. Sometimes this responsibility is too heavy to lift alone. Men need to lift each other up and the Winning Circle is the perfect storm to do that!"


"I can only tell you what it has done to help me get a handle on what’s really not working in my marriage and family and show me a way forward by inspiring me with hope and great support and encouragement from an awesome like-minded community of men!"


“There is a LOT that we as men can win in, but does it all really matter? Prestige, wealth, popularity, fame, athleticism, dominance. At the end of the day, what legacy do you want to leave? How do you want to be remembered? For me, I want to leave a legacy of being a God-fearing man, who loved and was true to his family, who lived a healthy lifestyle and managed his financial affairs as a good steward. THAT's why you need to register for the Winning Circle! It not only provides you with tools that you may have "known" about, but it shows you how to EFFECTIVELY use them. Like Moses, we need to unlearn some bad traits in order to reach the Promised Land! Don't pass up on this opportunity to win in the things that matter. Sign-up today!"


Quarterly "Millionaire with a Mission" Mastermind Session 

($647 Value)

Your Network Is Your Net Worth!

Quarterly, we'll have a business mastermind session with interactive presentations from our team of coaches on how to win in practical areas of our lives, including:

  •    Finances: Investing, real estate, debt management, business building
  •    Marriage: Improving existing relationships, overcoming divorce, and getting prepared for marriage or re-marriage
  •    Goal-Setting & Time Management: Being more effective in careers, balancing numerous responsibilities, and thriving in work and school environments instead of simply getting by
  •    Breaking Addictions: Practical strategies for overcoming sexual and substance addictions and replacing them with healthy habits 
  •    And much more!

This will be a space not only to gain valuable information that can help you succeed but also a spot to share your specific expertise with the other brothers and capitalize on invaluable networking opportunities with your tribe!


“My wife told me she sees a change in me as a result of the Winning Circle.  It is motivating her to be a better version of herself as well. She said she feels more secure and trusting of me, now that I am enroute to more clarity for myself and our family.  Men desperately need community in this day and age. We need God, but we also need each other. It is TOUGH being a man. It carries a heavy responsibility. Sometimes this responsibility is too heavy to lift alone. Men need to lift each other up and the Winning Circle is the perfect storm to do that!"


"I can only tell you what it has done to help me get a handle on what’s really not working in my marriage and family and show me a way forward by inspiring me with hope and great support and encouragement from an awesome like-minded community of men!"



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I'm in! Join the Winning Circle Now!

Are You Ready To WIN?

Here's Everything You Get In The Winning Circle!

  • Winning Circle Curriculum - $997 Value

  • Monthly Meetups - $247 Value

  • Weekly Power-Up Accountability Calls & Challenges - $897 Value

  • Goal-Setting Tools & Resources - $247 Value

  • Membership in Small Group Online Community - $177 Value

  • Bi-Weekly Expert Presentations & Networking - $347 Value

Total Value (1 Month): $2,912

Join Now!